Notre Dame Cathedral In Vietnam, Saigon
>> Wednesday, February 10, 2010
This is the Notre Dame Cathedral In Vietnam Saigon. The first Catholic Church we found and went to in Vietnam.
When we decided to go inside to pray, the lady guarding the entrance stopped us because we all look like tourists. She thought that we're just gonna take pictures inside while the mass is going on. And since she can't understand english, we just made a sign of the cross to let her know that we're not there to take pictures but to pray and it sure was effective!
Even though the mass was in Vietnamese and the Priest's sermon took hours (unlike in the Philippines which only takes 15 minutes), I really felt the Vietnamese's sincerity in their prayers and the solemnity of the mass. I even thought that they're more sincere and more solemn in their Sunday mass than most Filipinos are and I do felt ashamed of it. tsk3! Notre Dame Church sure is one the Best Catholic Churches I've been to. :)
Anyway, here are some of my pics of the Notre Dame Church,

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